
Professional air duct cleaning: What to expect.

Duct cleaning has always been a tough sell. Even though homeowners are increasingly aware that indoor air pollution is an issue, knowing the location of dirty ducts, let alone reaping the benefits of getting them clean, remains somewhat elusive. And this is understandable if you consider how often homeowners have seen unrealistic promises made by […]

How can you stop stale odors from coming through your air ducts?

Stale odors can come from a variety of sources. In the home, they may result from cooking, pets, tobacco smoke or excess humidity in your house. When stale air is heated inside your furnace or AC system and sent throughout your home, it takes some of that odor with it. Here are 11 tips you […]

When You Should Hire an Air Duct Cleaning Company?

There are a number of things to consider when you’re looking into hiring an air duct cleaning company, and when you should is a little up to you. What do I mean by that? Well, you don’t need to hire one every month or every few. Typically speaking, you can wait a good amount of […]

Is Winter The Best Time For Air Duct Cleaning?

Once you’ve decided on cleaning your air ducts, the next question that comes to mind is likely “When am I meant to have them cleaned?” and that’s a fair question to sure. Many people decide to have them cleaned in the spring or fall, as these are seen as slower times for your HVAC system. […]

Air Duct Cleaning During Winter: Why it is a Must?

There’s already a lot to worry about during winter. That’s just the truth, and you may not think about it, but protecting the air conditions in your home is one of the most important things to consider. It may be viewed as more trouble than you want, or you may think it’s a spring-only process. […]