Has there ever been a time where your cleaning to-do lists have all been completed? We know that list is always growing. Cleaning the carpet, washing the sheets, deep cleaning the furniture, and so on. But the one thing you may have not thought about cleaning is your dryer vent. Yes, that’s right. Your dryer vent. Just like how your air ducts need cleaning, your dryer vents need to be cleaned too. The bigger question is, when is the right time to clean your dryer vent?

Why you should clean your dryer vents

We want to emphasize that cleaning your dryer vents is crucial for the safety of you and your family.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, local fire departments responded to an estimated average of 13,820 house fires where dryers were involved, between 2014 and 2018. Yes, you read that right. Your dryer could be the one that could cause a house fire.

Lint is highly flammable and when it collects in your dryer vents, it will pose a serious fire hazard. If the air flow in your dryer vent is restricted, the exhaust gases get backed up. This created the perfect environment for a fire to form. Even worse, poisonous carbon monoxide can be released into your home.

Other then that information, clogged dryer vents can:

Warning signs your dryer vent needs to be cleaned

If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned your dryer vent, let alone by a professional here are some signs that it’s time:

Benefits of hiring a specialist

If the warning signs and the house fire fact hasn’t convinced you to hire a specialist, we’re going to lay out some benefits. Cleaning your dryer vent should not be an option. It is a necessity.

The harder your dryer has to work the more energy that is being used. A dryer vent that is cleared will allow the air to travel freely, which will not place any strain on the dryer itself and require less energy. But seriously, think about the money you could save on your energy bills.


When it comes to cleaning dryer vents we don’t want you to feel like it is a chore or an option. We want you to make it a necessity. You can protect yourself and those around you by getting your dryer vents checked and cleaned at least once a year. Your safety, your health, is our main priority, and it should be yours too.

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